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WORST TRADE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 15, 2013
zachary eating chocolate covered pretzel

Zachary is eating a delicious chocolate covered pretzel stick…and yes, this picture is slightly out of focus

Zachary amazingly enough has started to grasp the concept of making a trade. I will tell him he can get X if he does Y and he gets it somewhat. I have told him he can play with his cups in the bathtub if he sits and he has actually sat in order to get the cups. I have told him he can play on the new mat we bought if he gives me his pacifier and he has handed over the pacifier. I have told him he can play with my floss if he brushes his teeth and he has actually brushed. Well, the other day Zachary may have made the worst trade he will hopefully ever make. We were at our friends’ place and, as shown in the above picture, Zachary was eating a chocolate covered pretzel stick. I decided that it was probably a bad idea for Zachary to eat that entire pretzel stick as he would then have consumed enough sugar to make him literally – not figuratively – bounce off the walls. The problem was how to get the pretzel stick out of Zachary’s hands without him losing his mind. Zachary would have lost his mind if I had just taken it from him and he was definitely not going to just hand it over at my request. I decided to negotiate with Zachary and proposed a preposterous trade. I offered Zachary two carrot sticks for the pretzel still and, to everyone’s amazement, Zachary complied and handed over the pretzel stick. He then sat there  munching on the carrot sticks. Zachary, I am happy you made that trade but that was ridiculous. I am pretty sure I would have upped the ante from just carrot sticks. Remind me to never let you negotiate for me in the future.

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